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(новенький )
2006/01/05 23:09
Ищем представителей в Пакистане new архив 

Мы, молодая растущая компания, ищем представителя в Пакистане.

В обязанности представителя будет входить ведение переговоров в пакистанской стороной, в последствии - контроль за отгрузкой товара (количество и ассортимент) пакистанской стороной и отправка его в Россию. Делать это надо 1-2 раза в года. Размер отправки - кубометр-полтора, товар - одежда.

Оплата оговаривается.

Ответы лучше в личку, спасибо.

2006/01/06 17:02
Re: Ищем представителей в Пакистане [re: AutoAddict]архив 

Pishite na info@m-consultings.com mozem rabotat

2006/01/07 18:23
Re: Ищем представителей в Пакистане new [re: Hussain76]архив 

I`ve looked through your website http://www.m-consultings.com and found it very interesting. Especially in the point of "foreign education in CIS Russian States".
Would you be so kind to elaborate, what is "CIS Russian States" ?
Usbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and other members of the Commonwealth of Independent States are not Russian states, they are independent states with their own Constitutions, legislative, executive and judicial branches of power, with their own budgets, armed forces, with their own internal and foreign policies ect. ect.
And Russian states – Tatarstan, Daghestan ect., being parts of the Russian Federation, are not the members of CIS…
I can`t guess, what is "CIS Russian States"

Indian state of Pakistan… :gy:

2006/01/08 03:50
Re: Ищем представителей в Пакистане new [re: AutoAddict]архив 

ya dumayu smogu vam pomoch, v dane moment me etim i zanemaemsya, nu tolko iz karachi v peshawar a potom v afghanistan.
esli khocheti detali obsudit pisheti suda "Mike_Mayers20003@mail.ru" ili Bigshow98@hotmail.com

2006/01/08 11:27
Re: Ищем представителей в Пакистане new [re: Шапик1]архив 

Dear Shapik.....Thanks for your interest in our site.But this site is targeted for pakistani people where if in case we will write just CIS states they will have absolutely NO idea what we are taking about...and it is aleays easy to say them Russian states or Ex-Russian states so that people could understand...In any case I am not the editor or text writer or web master.

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